Visiting With Feet
Girls are pesky. Naturally pesky.
Sometimes Autumn crosses over the pesky threshold... way past my tolerance level for female peskiness. This mostly happens when we're laying around in bed or we're both kicking back on the livingroom couch. If Autumn is a little on the restless side and has too much energy for her own good the pesky comes out of her with a rambunctious vengeance. Emergency depeskification is immediately required.
Finding a fast, safe, and effective method for stopping the pesky did take some experimentation on my part. Eventually I was able to narrow things down to one tried and true flawless procedure for eliminating the pesky. I simply let my hands visit with Autumn's feet. You see, her feet are extremely sensitive to the touch. She loves having them rubbed. They're also amusing to mess with because Autumn is absolutely ticklish on the bottom of her feet. So the way this procedure works is Autumn is subdued with one arm (can be a dangerous job) and then feet are visited liberally with my demented digits on the free hand. During this phase of the process Autumn becomes a wild squirmy woman possessed by demons. I would assume she is not having a good time however she laughs all crazy-like. I have to conclude she always enjoys my personal visits with her feet immensely.
Afterward, Autumn is fairly quiet and she has a bitter look in her eyes. The good news though is all that pesky is gone! Works every time. In addition, if I sense that a fresh case of pesky is brewing I can ask Autumn if I need to see her feets. This of course is a veiled threat but most of the time it's all I need to do to preemptively stop the peskiness before it's too late.
Sometimes Autumn crosses over the pesky threshold... way past my tolerance level for female peskiness. This mostly happens when we're laying around in bed or we're both kicking back on the livingroom couch. If Autumn is a little on the restless side and has too much energy for her own good the pesky comes out of her with a rambunctious vengeance. Emergency depeskification is immediately required.
Finding a fast, safe, and effective method for stopping the pesky did take some experimentation on my part. Eventually I was able to narrow things down to one tried and true flawless procedure for eliminating the pesky. I simply let my hands visit with Autumn's feet. You see, her feet are extremely sensitive to the touch. She loves having them rubbed. They're also amusing to mess with because Autumn is absolutely ticklish on the bottom of her feet. So the way this procedure works is Autumn is subdued with one arm (can be a dangerous job) and then feet are visited liberally with my demented digits on the free hand. During this phase of the process Autumn becomes a wild squirmy woman possessed by demons. I would assume she is not having a good time however she laughs all crazy-like. I have to conclude she always enjoys my personal visits with her feet immensely.
Afterward, Autumn is fairly quiet and she has a bitter look in her eyes. The good news though is all that pesky is gone! Works every time. In addition, if I sense that a fresh case of pesky is brewing I can ask Autumn if I need to see her feets. This of course is a veiled threat but most of the time it's all I need to do to preemptively stop the peskiness before it's too late.
and im the one with the foot fetish eh f4g?
s1f00t- your fetishes are not OK.
so. on the shitf00t 'pretty feet' meter how did aut's dogs rate?
u r gheyer than i. oh and y00 like nekid elbows. germie G sez s0.
The first thing I thought of when reading was S_F. That dude is a perv. You are too.
TC- pervy can be good.
tc has teh pretty feet!
pink toe-nails too!
well, how about it plastic car man. are you *pink down there* as sHiTF00t alleges? hmmmmmm?
Plastic car man says, how about a bbq next Saturday the 30th at my place. Bring your drinks, I'll supply the food. 3:00 pm. I haven't heard from Dave so we'll just have to do it without him. If this is a bad day for most people we can change the date. Let me know.
i is be there x3.
and by the way... sHiTf0ot hAs aN unUsUaL pEnCIl.
c'mon now fess up teh pretty toe nail
color now tc... we are waiting!!!
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