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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Project Everest Part Three

When rolling out a brand new software system such as Oracle that employees have never seen before let alone even heard of, you have to swiftly organize a major training effort. Tens of thousands of employees will have to be introduced to a new-fangled strange beast and become educated in its use. People need to be identified as trainers to run classes that will enable the peasant masses to run this stuff. So, who do you select to be those teachers? Who do you assign to be the champions of Oracle knowledge? You choose the most inept, useless, ignorant, and annoying managers in the company of course! There is no other possibility. After all anyone truly capable has better things to be doing with their time.

In my department Oracle training classes were taught by Miss Malta. The moment I heard she was going to be our teacher for a week or two worth of three hour Oracle sessions I knew we were completely screwed. Miss Malta doesn't communicate well with anybody, especially her fellow females because she has contempt for them. Why I have no clue. Basically she is a nearly illiterate manager that fails time and again to speak clearly in front of a group, read, spell, or write. Usually when she has to write a business report or do something simple like respond to an email she will make one of her subordinates write it for her. Her spelling is truly atrocious to the point of being comical and she's too stupid to use a program with built-in spell check.

That's how dumb she is.

During the first Oracle training session myself and twenty or so fellow employees sat through hour after hour of instruction that didn't make any sense. Miss Malta talked at us in pidgeon English and she was easily sidetracked by the most basic questions. At the same time the majority of our group became wildly confused by Oracle's myriad web pages and counter intuitive drop down menus. Things went so poorly that first day I spent most of my time in front of a computer terminal web surfing. Each day after that seemed like a bad television re-run in Oracle school. Nobody got anywhere with it.

Boredom forced me to experiment with Oracle on my own while everyone else in training appeared to be trapped in Oracle sub menus or lost on some other web page. I did no better than the rest of my group, but I didn't care about it. Miss Malta quickly lost control of the situation at every class. She impatiently mumbled instructions to her frustrated students which ended up making things entirely worse. Every so often I would look up from my flat screen monitor to scan over the rest of our class. I saw nothing but aggravated faces and computer screen chaos throughout the room.

The implementation of Oracle was going to fail miserably because it was being rushed onto the shop floor. Forcing Oracle down our throats wasn't going to work. Training appeared to be an afterthought. Super Geek decreed that everyone would learn to use Oracle or else by the deadline.

A few days' worth of digging around in Oracle's guts gave me the feeling this would become yet another example of a one-size-fits-all solution for problems we didn't have. The menus were over complicated, database load times took forever, categories in sub-systems made little to no sense. Every time I selected an action on a page, Oracle responded slower than dogshit. On the production floor we would be using Oracle to move instruments from station to station as work was completed in assembly and test. It didn't seem to function as advertised.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you mr. english teacher.you are really impressing us with your wisdom by going after the obvious that most readers could care less about

7:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm pretty sure that a while back, fugginWad asked factory_peasant whether he wanted him to correct grammar errors and factory_peasant said yes because he wanted to improve his writing skills. No one likes a show-off, but it seems that fugginWad's actually trying to help and I think factory_peasant appreciates the help. Basically, I think he passes Bob's earlier test of correcting grammar in a way that promotes high self-esteem.

As far as it being obvious that Larry Ellison is a fag, I didn't actually know that before. Wad, thanks for the info. I can now add Larry Ellison to my fag database, which ironically Larry Ellison may have helped create by starting Oracle.

Vernon D

8:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cool vernon,

i thought this guy was being a smart ass, but as long as factory_peasant is cool with it fine.if he wants to help him out with writing skills he should offer suggestions on how to use transitions and independant clauses rather than pointing out basic grammar oversights that most people commonly use/oversee.
factory_peasant is already a good writer.

9:27 PM  
Blogger factory_peasant said...

aww shucks. anon yer allright.

Wad thanks again for pointing out the shit i need to fix up. i'm on it.

when you me and Razor gonna get some beers? i think soon.

later br0s.

9:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

where the funk is tony???!!!

yay,,, maybe he gone for good


7:14 PM  
Blogger factory_peasant said...

Wad just got back from the land of the potato. thanks for the Poker invite. i will be there but i prolly won't stay late since i got to be at the hot rod show next morning damn early. anyway i'll send out a few pics from the trip later on today.

10:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey anon,
why do you keep fake front me??did boner put you up to this???why are you startin shit when everythin went quiet betwen meand boner?or is that really boner tryin to stir shit up because i had to expose him out to all up here to see he cant back whatever he fronts.

exposing gorfies and boners and clicks forwhat they are

6:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen douche if someone else is having fun bitch slappin' your extremely stupid ass don't go calling me out.

And I will leave it at that.

If it wasn't for pick pockets Tony wouldn't have a sex life.

7:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i knew it,,,
you cant even freeking keep your promise to keep away.wtf is your problem???all you know how to do id to name call,front(without backing up your shit)AND gettin your other homies (bonies) to stir shit with me so you can feel good and come right back.i called you out and you aint get nothing,,,thats why you keep coming back bitch.stay the F outta my face and leave here for good.
this time is the time when i wish i could call tito ortiz andhave him teech you a lesson,,,he'd do me a big favor and he'd have a lump sack to train on for 10 secs.

9:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a comlete dumbass you called me out stupid go look I didn't say anything....Dummy. Me leave Bwhahahahahaha and trust me that is what everyone here is doing to you. Laugh at tony everyone he is about ready to cry again. If you didn't say anything about me this would not have happened. OH and one more thing there was nothing to call me out on or can't you figure that out yet. You are the one who wants everyone to think you are a big man wit lotz a bling, not me. I just got tired of your bs towards me. If you want to drop it I can still be cool with that, but don't call me out again.

When tony cries all the "idots" come running from the "underbelly of woodwork."

9:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dam dude,,,
first you say we can drop it and than you insalt me like its no big deal and you got the nerve to say i call you out when YOU publicily humalited me,made those vichus remarks AND still freekin call me names with THOSE STUPIDlittle one limers whenever you end your STUPID posts.please do not say not one dam word to me and lets end it here.tell your backstreet budies to quite tryin to fron for you or STOP tellin them to just to get me all freekin worked up,,,my so freeking pised right now,

10:55 PM  
Blogger factory_peasant said...

here's a few tony home movies i decided to dig out of the tard vault. enjoy.





12:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo dudes,

Please chill on gang-banging ole boy. He called me at 4 am all upset and wanting help because he could not sleep becuase he feels that Boomer set him up and now everyone's jumping on him. I told him that I would come here and ask you guys to stop. So Boomer, step up and accept a truce and don't say anything alright?

You need to understand that you are playing a lop sided game here if you can read between the lines.


3:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like I said earlier dude I didn't say anything to you in this thread until you started talking shit about me. If you got a problem with some anon guy talk to him/her about it and leave me out of it ok. I will not start with you if you leave me alone.

Skeez I didn't set him up for anything if someone else has a problem then thats their business. I don't feel I need to get anyones help with stuff like this. So if he can agree to stop the shit with me then I can, as I have proved before, leave it alone as well. One last little thing I NEVER promised to leave I have no reason to. ok.


3:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I seen the posts where you and your bullies wrote towards him to egg him on and upset him. So when you say:

'''So if he can agree to stop the shit with me then I can, as I have proved before, leave it alone as well.'''

He has left it alone until you or your boys came in and started it all up again.

You have to remember that I have to deal with this Boomer, I don't have the option of sitting behind a screen, dream up some stuff to egg a stranger on and then disappear for awhile like nothing ever happened.

What I am saying to you is do you think it will be a problem for you to keep your trap shut and not play games with this guy anymore? Just let it go, I am begging you. There is nothing for you to feel threatened about him or his popular acquitances. As a matter of fact, they are just regular people nothing special.

What do ya say slugger? let it go and you'll be doing me and Tony a big favor.


6:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeez skeez first you come at me with some real concerns of yours, then you start to become condescending towards me. Like I said champ I did not start this and I have no idea who did. All I asked is if he leave me out of it. Do you understand that? I am the one who left it alone anon was on him not me, but Tony felt compelled to bring me into it. I understand how me have felt that I had something to do with it, but I don't know how many times I have to say I had nothing to do with it.

Oh and trust me I don't feel threatened by anyone here especially your bud.


6:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Boomer,

I didn't realize you were so insecure about this stuff. Let me see if I got this right, you agree to let this idiotic banter go, correct?

Yes I am mad because I have to help the guy out and fix his monitor and printer connections since he ripped them out of frustration last night. I just want to make sure that once he is up and running that you will keep your end of the bargain and I can go on without getting talked to about how much disrespect he is getting from some internet guy that gets his jollies by bashing people who don't know him.

I'm not here to judge why you do what you do. Some people get off on shit like that fine with me. I just want to be left out of it once and for all.


6:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon here,,,
ready to stir shit up!
my wigga tony,,, did you really
go prospecting over the weekend, or did you go to a leather bar to get banged in the p00ter by mens???
c'mon tony,,, anyone who cries over
an internet beating is just a PUssy!
skeez-hoe tells us that you ripped
out some p.c. connections HAHAHAHAHA
i hear yo mamma callin,,, she's got
her titty out ready for you to suck on,,, maybe you can feel better with
your head on mommy's shoulder,,,
OR maybe you feel "just right" with
daddy's manpipe down your gullet,,,
just like last night

peace out bish,


6:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you having a hard time comprehending again? I am in no way insecure about anything you two do, even the thought of something like that makes me laugh. Like I told you before I left it alone after the first time you came here, hell you even said "fair enough". However for some reason he pissed you off and you cut him loose and he continued to go after me. Even so I let it go until I decided that I didn't like being talked about so much. Then he stopped and so did I then my name came up again from him.
So yeah I can let it go because I didn't want it in the first place.

Quick point skeez while I got you here. If you are trying to reason with someone it might not be a good idea to say "keep your trap shut" just sayin. Also a question you don't have to answer if it's too personal. Why if he is feeling so disrespected does he keep coming back? After all he has said a few times that he has no connection to the board at all. Like I said just a question for g.p. don't have to answer if you do not wish to.

7:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you think I'm stupid?

First of all, I said fair enough as in "you made your point and I will talk to Anthony". Dont play politician with me and try to spin shit that is not even there.

Second of all, I find it amazing that all of a sudden at the very same instance as we are engaged, there happens to be a Anon post. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Dude get off of yourself and quit acting like you don't like to cause trouble from the safety net of your computer screen. Do you have a life outside of pestering people who you don't know to get your rocks off?



7:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's right dude keep pushing me. In order for that to be me I would have to be some kind of speed typer which I am not. Secondly I understood what you meant by "fair enough" that was my point. I saw it as you not taking sides and just wishing for it to end which was my stance as well.

I don't get this you want to help out your friend and I agree to let it go then you come at me again. First I try to cover all my bases and you tell me "I am long winded" now I keep it short, sweet, to the point and civil yet you still come at me.

You asking me if I have a life maybe you should ask your bud that same question. If you were in any way objective about this you would see I tried to let it go several times, but he kept calling me stupid names and looking for a banter. If that was not his wish then I can't help that because that is the way it came off to me.

He even hung out here on the weekends one time kept saying "see he's not talking then he knows i won" or "his silence now proves i was right" when all along I was no where to be found.

In short I wanted it to end it's not me bothering him now and I do not know who is doing it. I do not start these things. In short yes I can end it, can you two?


7:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I told several times that the guy that you and / or your friends chose to pick on was at a disadvantage. I even revealed some personal information about him. I thought that you and everyone else here would have the insight to realize to end this at once. Now, put yourself in my place, you got a bud that is at an disadvantage and he gets torn apart by you and some others here. What am I to believe?

You ask why he comes here. I don't know why. Why do people do certain things they do. You should know better and be smart. I don't know how else to make you understand. If you had'nt figured it out (about life, people and reason of being) by now, then you never will.

Good bye,


7:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude it was a legitimate question, I know why I come here. I just figured maybe he knew someone here is all. As far as life trust me I have been around, there is generally a reason for actions. I wasn't looking for an internet argument just looking for some possible insight as to why.

I respected your decesion to defend your friend for whatever reason, but put yourself in my position. I didn't look for this and wanted to be civil when you gave me your position and your reason, but even a person with a disadvantage does not have carte blanche to rabble rouse and name call. Besides at first I had no idea the situation your friend was in and when I found out through you I tried to let it go.

So now I am letting it go again no right or wrong now just an ending.

Dig it?


8:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You guys are quite the topic of conversation around the factory. There are various guesses as to who Tony is. As I mentioned before, I have mine, but I don't know for sure. I also have a guess as to who anon is. Again, don't know for sure. What I AM sure of is that anon is not Boomer. Completely different writing style.

If you now have the patience that you didn't have before, check out Boomer's links from earlier and go to some of the first posts of this brawl. I'm pretty sure someone threatened to gang rape Tony back at the start and might have signed his name. Not positive. If he didn't, on an empty stomach, type in some of the links left in these comment sections. I did and have had nightmares ever since. If you suddenly find your screen filled with feces falling on urinating hermaphrodites or some such similar perversion, I do believe you will have found your man.

I find it entirely consistent for someone who would collect such things to also threaten jail rape on a blog. The only clue working against this person is that he's working anonymously. Normally, this person quite proudly sends this stuff around with his name in 36 point letters, and once on his mailing list, you're on it FOREVER. So far, Factory Peasant has spared me from sending my e-mail address to this person, though he occasionally threatens to when he's pissed.

Anyway, my money's on anon being him. And think about it, if he's willing to do this to us, his friends, imagine what he might send to you two assholes. If the crap so far gets you pissed off enough to throw monitors through windows, I predict we'll soon all be reading an AP wire article about a retarded caterer throwing himself off of a Bronx tenement trying to free himself from visions of whichever picture anon sends him from his massive 500 gigabyte collection, 200 gigs of which is almost surly illegal in at least one state.

Yes, Tony, yes! Be afraid! Be very afraid! Fire out YOUR e-mail address!




8:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this one goes out to skeez-hoe

silly goose,,, did tony hire you as
an internet body guard??? was the fee 2 blo-jobs and a brown shower, followed by a deep felching??? we gots to know,,, keep jabbering, dont leave, we get bored without joo foos,,,


p.s. tell more of of your brainless
peeps to help poor peg-legged tony out,,,

p.p.s. tony! get back on the lithium!

9:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

tru dat bill


p.s. tony rutledge,,, squatting to pee ever since the incident with the
sneezing transexual prostitute,,, ouch!

9:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

an oldie but a goodie( mod'd just a tad)

what does tony rutledge say after sex????????

roll off me daddy,,, i need a cigarette


9:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

squatting to pee ever since the incident with the sneezing transexual prostitute

hahaha, coke almost came out my nose when I read that

6:32 PM  

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