Medical Disability
Squirmy did it. I was beginning to have my doubts, but he was sneaky and pulled the deal off. He eliminated the Eat Monster. She was sitting in conference rooms for weeks, hanging out reading the yellow pages. The whole time Squirmy was covert working with the Nurse and Human Resources. He documented everything so Eat Monster couldn't hit Bill and Dave's company with a lawsuit. That's the main motivating factor here, lawsuits. This company is so deathly afraid of lawsuits that you can get away with almost anything as soon as you threaten management with a lawyer. Doesn't matter if you actually have a lawyer. All you have to do is meekly utter the word "lawsuit" to them and they are instantly shivering in their boots.
Eat Monster got thrown out on a medical disability of some kind. I assume she will be paid a settlement or a severance package hefty enough to keep her from dragging the company into the courts. All I can say is, good riddance. It's just too bad we're paying her to leave. She never should have been hired here to begin with. If anyone should be fired, I think the person who interviewed and hired her in here should be let go with a vengeance. Total lack of judgement. Squirmy got her for our product line but I don't know if he is responsible for interviewing and hiring her in. If I ever do find out who hired her in here I'm going to punch them. Hard.
Eat Monster got thrown out on a medical disability of some kind. I assume she will be paid a settlement or a severance package hefty enough to keep her from dragging the company into the courts. All I can say is, good riddance. It's just too bad we're paying her to leave. She never should have been hired here to begin with. If anyone should be fired, I think the person who interviewed and hired her in here should be let go with a vengeance. Total lack of judgement. Squirmy got her for our product line but I don't know if he is responsible for interviewing and hiring her in. If I ever do find out who hired her in here I'm going to punch them. Hard.
Nice dude!!!!
heh. thanks for readin my stuff, Deep.
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