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Saturday, June 04, 2005

Daydreaming About Toothless

Toothless has really been pushing me over the edge lately. Every day when I come in to work I find her sitting at her bench with all her personal bills spread out on the tabletop in front of her. She spends most of her shift balancing her checkbook, doing her finances, and yammering away on the phone. Her calls are personal, not business related. All of her activities are being done on company time and she never makes this wasted time up. This doesn't include all the other time she pisses away wandering around the hallways of the building bullshitting with her friends and her man, Golden Boy.

She leaves at the end of her eight hour shift every day like normal and we get close to zero work out of her. It's crippling the assembly area. She's supposed to be building PC board modules, power supplies, card cages, and front panel displays. The last straw for me was just the other day. She got the idea she needed to have a Walkman CD player at her workbench so she could listen to tunes while she's doing her bills and shit. She left work and drove two towns away to go buy one, came back to work hours later, and then left at the end of her shift like she had been there working all day. I can't believe she gets away with this shit. If I tried anything like that I know they'd haul me out of here by the scruff of my neck and toss me out the front gate to the site.

I can't help but notice all of this chronic nonperformance because it's so blatant. I'm disgusted and angry on the inside as I watch Toothless sitting there each day in her shiny minidresses, sucking down enough Slim Fast to kill a small dog, fucking around filing her nails at her bench doing nothing but talk on the phone while hard workers like myself pick up the slack for deadbeats like her. I despise people on the job like nothing else when I have to carry their weight as well as mine. I daydream of employees like her being viciously fired from their jobs, or even better, I daydream of having them wiped out. It's the only way I can get through the workday. Sometimes I have visions of pointing a death ray gun at Toothless and pulling the trigger. She would be vaporized in a ball of blinding white light and I would be joyful about it. She's such a waste of skin and space I'd like to make her shed every last molecule of her blood. It's a good thing I don't have any superpowers or anything because I certainly would make her body explode with my telekinetic brain waves, if I had them. If I had super strength I could simply crush her like a scrapped automobile. That would be fun. I feel better already just thinking about it.


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